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Should I Hire an Airbnb Virtual Assistant?

Should I Hire an Airbnb Virtual Assistant?

So much to do and So little time! Does your daily routine sound a bit like this? Would you like to go from swamped to structured?

Identifying the Need for an Airbnb Virtual Assistant

As a property manager, you need to assume several responsibilities and tasks when running a vacation rental business. It may be daunting most times, and you may require support on a regular basis. As your business expands, more work may be required to support that expansion. This may need the acquisition of more resources in order to prevent being overburdened and to keep your business on track. To help you decide whether you would like to have someone to share the workload with, ask yourself the questions below:

  • Are you overwhelmed by your current workload?
  • Are you swamped with paperwork?
  • Want to make better use of your time?
  • Can you not afford another full-time staff member?
  • Are you experiencing too much stress?
  • Do you need something done that you don’t have the skills to do yourself?

If you answered yes to more than one question or all of the above, it may be a good time to discover the benefits of getting professional help to simplify your life and relieve some of your workload. Getting you to the right solution for your problems is our goal!

Have you Heard of a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

A virtual assistant is an independent contractor that offers administrative support to customers while working remotely. Usually, they work based in a home office but are provided with all the planning materials and equipment to perform the services for the task at hand. You may find that employing a virtual assistant is helpful for several reasons, as they are becoming more and more popular among short-term rentals owing to their versatility.

Why Hire a Virtual Assistant for your Airbnb?

You can hire a virtual assistant to take over tasks that you currently perform. That way, you'll have more time to work on your business instead of in your business. There are several advantages of hiring a VA and listed below are a few important ones.

1. Expertise

A virtual assistant specializes in a specific area or has the capacity to multitask a host of different duties simultaneously. They are more than likely to have significant experience working in various types of businesses and are able to adapt to a variety of environments and meet the requirements of the position.

2. No Office Requirement

Virtual Assistants work remotely, hence there is no need to allocate any office space to accommodate one!

3. Time and Money Saver

A virtual assistant can save you both time and money. The recruitment or interview process rarely takes a long time. It is also less expensive to hire a virtual assistant in lieu of a salaried employee on an “as-needed” basis.

4. Productivity Improvement

Your productivity may increase and customers will receive timely responses by hiring a virtual assistant. They can assist you if, for example, you are too busy to respond quickly to customer inquiries. As a result, your customers are taken care of, and you can focus on other pending tasks.

5. Labour Cost-Saver

Virtual assistants work independently. All taxes and insurance are handled by them, so you just pay them for their labor. You simply hire them to do a particular job, and that's all you have to do. You'll save money that you can use elsewhere!

6. Flexibility

Working with a Virtual Assistant means you don't have to stick to a standard 9-5 schedule. They are flexible and available when needed. Time zone differences may also be beneficial if you're in different time zones. Rather than assigning eight-hour shifts, develop a schedule that maximizes output and keeps costs low. If you're dissatisfied with your VA, it's simple enough to end the contract and hire another.

7. Improved Work Quality

If someone handled all the tedious tasks for you, how much more productive would you be? By doing so, you would have more time to spend growing your business. It would also save you from having to constantly re-train your employees. Rather than educating them on every new technology that comes along, why not hire a professional VA who already has all those skills?

8. Reduced Risk of Scalability

A virtual office assistant could be a perfect solution if you're at a point with your business in which you aren't quite sure what's next. The numbers are pointing to growth, but you're not sure how quickly it will happen. Rather than hiring new employees, a VA could help you manage your workload without breaking the bank. You’ll simply need to hire another VA to help you during the transition if your business increases.

Airbnb Virtual Assistant

How can a Virtual Assistant Help with your Airbnb?

Virtual assistants have varying responsibilities, depending on their clients' needs and the contract terms. Typical tasks a virtual assistant might perform for your Airbnb rental include the following:

How to Hire an Airbnb Virtual Assistant

Knowing how valuable a virtual office assistant can be to your Airbnb business, what's keeping you from hiring one? If you’re wondering how and where to hire the best, here are a few suggestions.

  1. Fiverr
  2. Freelancer
  3. Upwork
  4. Cohost Market
  5. Craigslist

In these sites, property managers can list what type of tasks they need the virtual assistant to do and what their maximum payment is. The freelancer can then submit a bid on the project and submit samples of his or her work for the client's review. Occasionally, the client can set up a video conference to interview the applicants and thoroughly assess their qualifications when needed.

Considerations to make before hiring an Airbnb virtual assistant

  1. Decide which tasks to delegate. So you know when you have a suitable candidate for the job, you can determine which responsibilities to hand over to the VA.
  2. It is important that you determine what skills you require in the ideal candidate, so you know where and when you need the help of your VA.
  3. Then, compile a “training guide” for the tasks, like writing a standard operating procedure (SOP). Make sure all the requirements are clearly expressed so that the VA knows what to expect.
  4. Assign test tasks to prospective candidates, such as uploading photos, and score them according to their response time and how satisfactorily they complete the tasks. If you find the right fit, we recommend starting on a part-time basis and converting to a full-time position over time.

How much does a Vacation Rental Virtual Assistant Cost?

It's not a clear-cut answer, you'll need to use your analytical skills to determine what hourly rate makes the most sense for your particular needs, timeline, and sensitivity level. Obtain work samples, references, and testimonials before hiring, and you will find someone well worth the quoted price. You can hire a virtual assistant for a fraction of the cost of hiring permanent staff and turn your business into a powerhouse in the property management business.

Should you Hire a Virtual Assistant for your Airbnb?

Vacation rental businesses face major challenges in providing personalized customer service and ensuring customer satisfaction. You often need to focus on deploying resources at an optimal level to handle peak seasons as well. You can optimize many aspects of your Airbnb rental by working alongside a virtual assistant. Determine the specific requirements of your property and find someone who is a good fit.

Hiring a Virtual assistant can help you with a large portion of work and you will be able to set up a successful Airbnb property, make an attractive listing, gather reviews, and shine as an Airbnb host.

If you would like more information and tips on managing your Airbnb also see 8 Tips to Growing your Airbnb Revenue, Nightly Rate, and Occupancy Top 6 Tips to Launch Your Online Vacation Rental Company

Why Hostaway should be your Vacation Rental Software of Choice

You can also use Virtual Assistants to manage your Airbnb properties through your choice of channel management software, which simplifies complex duties, increases efficiency and productivity, and automates many tasks.

Hostaway offers a channel management solution for vacation rental properties that enables users to manage bookings, availability, and rates across unlimited channels, including Airbnb.

Airbnb's guest messaging system integrates with Hostaway, allowing users to communicate directly with their guests through Hostaway. The email automation feature allows users to create emails with variable content for multiple purposes, such as scheduling or confirmation emails, instructions for arrival and departure, and feedback collection. Automated processes can be built from scratch or based on a variety of built-in templates. Users are able to create automation for team members, such as cleaning, billing, and many other duties that property managers must perform.

Manage your properties with Hostaway and experience a better business and life right away! Schedule your free Demo here

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